Firm's Client WPI Licenses Technology To Apprendis, a MassChallenge Participant
July 29, 2016
Janice Gobert, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Apprendis LLC, spoke with NECN about being a competitor in MassChallenge, one of the largest start-up accelerator programs in the world. Companies in the program are competing for a chance to win $1.5 million in funding.
Apprendis develops educational tools for students and teachers in the areas of science and critical thinking. Their Inq-ITS platform is an intelligent tutoring system that aids middle school students in conducting virtual inquiries in Physical, Life, and Earth Sciences. Students form hypotheses, conduct experiments, and analyze their data, and then the system provides real-time formative metrics on student's individual progress and classroom-wide performance. Apprendis' teacher platform, InqBlotter, provides alerts to the teacher, enabling the teacher to respond and provide real-time feedback to the student.
"Our client, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, licenses to Apprendis their patents for an eye-tracking based instructional system. By utilizing this technology, Apprendis is providing an exceptional educational tool for today's students and teachers. We are proud to support them in their efforts in their educational arena and in the MassChallenge program," said Mary Lou Wakimura, Principal at Hamilton Brook Smith Reynolds.
Janice Gobert and her colleagues were also fortunate to present their platforms at the Democractic National Convention as part of the Education and Workforce Development Group.
View the news segment on NECN.